Don’t get left in the dust, with the prospect of spending another boring night on the couch. If you’ve had the pleasure of experiencing a monumental Strip Show with Kitty Cat Now Chicago it’s time to get all your friends in on the action! Find your true identity as the hero of your squad and become a Captain Save A Bro! It really should be considered a crime to not let your bro in on this massive opportunity for a heart-pounding performance. It’s not a secret, everyone should be aware that you too can have an epic evening with Sexy Strippers! Turning your boring night in, into an unyielding fantasy of your wildest dreams!
BROmeapathic Medicine
Kitty Cat Now invites you to discover Your own Bromeapathic Medicine which has been defined as:
“The comfort and solace found amongst friends Hanging out with your Bro’s .”
If we may make an addendum to this definition we would suggest upping the ante to include sensational Exotic Dancers! Creating an experience to bond you as true brothers, enacting in memories you’ll remember forever! We urge you to make a commitment to your own wellness find solace and construct your own happiness with the help of your Bro.
Bro Be Bold, Not Boring
Kitty Cat Now is anything but typical producing an experience to envelop all your senses. You can get by with a little help from your friends. Immerse yourselves in the ultimate fantasy together. Shift your night into high gear you’re headed for an Erotic adventure! Kitty Cat Now Chicago will give you your groove back rejuvenating and maintaining your balance with a sensual 2 Girl Erotic show! It’s imperative to preserve your friendships, and become the hero of your crew, the Captain Save a Bro! Give us a call or Book Online today!