The sanctity of Strippers in your own private sanctuary. The brilliant and prolific French author Voltaire once noted: “Every man is a creature of the age in which he lives and few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.” At Kitty Cat Now we are fascinated by human nature and what motivates us, what compels others to keep repeating the same patterns. How do we inspire the masses to break out of their monotonous activities. In short, you simply must see it, to believe it. In our common era it comes to no surprise that our culture is captivated by Strippers! But few have experienced the transcendence that is having an enchanting Exotic Dancer go directly to your party.
Don’t Be A Relic Of The Past Kitty Cat Now Has Created The Golden Age
There may be legions of strip clubs across the country that all think they have a different spin on a tired concept. However, Kitty Cat Now continuously applies new methods to help undo the ingrained habits most Stripper enthusiasts search for. Once you experience the riveting Erotic Performances from our stunning Kitty Cat Strippers™ you’ll never set foot in a tired old strip club again. Kitty Cat Now has essentially made them obsolete. The show itself may revolve around the Bachelor or guest of honor but there will be plenty of time for all members of your party to partake in scintillating Lap Dances and Private Dances. We have the Sexiest Exotic Dancers in Chicago! Whose sole desire is to entertain and enchant your party with their mesmerizing Erotic Games and Parlor tricks.
Finite Vs. Infinite
What sets Kitty Cat Now apart from the myriad of disappointing Strip Clubs is our attention to detail. There are infinite possibilities and variations to ensure your party’s requirements are met to your exact specifications. All of our shows are held in the sanctuary of your own private home or vacation rental. Where the guest of honor is at the forefront of their attention and affection. The pièce de résistance is of course any variation of our Erotic or Fantasy Shows. An incredibly fun and sexy performance you would never see in a mere strip club! Creating a magnetizing spectacle you can experience mere inches from our Kitty Cat Strippers’ undulating bodies. Experience the Golden Age of Exotic Dancing when you book Kitty Cat Now Chicago for your Bachelor Party! Give us a call or Book Online today!
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